Saturday, August 29, 2009

a few Anvil 9 09 reflections

This morning we took the 2hr boat ride back from Anvil camp 9 09. I had an amazing week being the speaker, in amongst a fantastic crowd of people. Here I try and capture a few reflections on the camp one line at a time.

on chapel:

- Jesus encounters
- freedom
- the curtain has been torn DOWN
- you make all things work together for my good
- God desires partnership: it's not all him, and it's not all us
- you give and take away
- from the inside out

on island life:
- wakeboarding in the only rain of the week at 7am on a deserted sea
- crazy connections across the christian subculture
- food, glorious food
- two peace-filled kayak moments
- an intense hike to the legendary white spot
- obsession with rope swing tricks

on anvil classics:
- the next bell will be ...

on laughter:
- brought to you by: brent kostner, jamilla springs and the incredible betty wordsworth
- the bizarre entertainment of anvil island squares
- horse riding and awkward hugs

on God's creation:
- gazing up into an endless sky of stars
- views of the ocean, playing with the seals
- deers at arms length eating apples
- the most incredible camp finale ever

on praise:
- 9 people met Jesus for the first time, 20ish re-committed their lives, and 9 were baptised

- Anvil Rocks

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